Monday, March 15, 2010

You take a break in Gallicia 2010

You trade in Gallicia Striped 2010 of fairs and events to be celebrated during the year 2010 in Gallicia You Take a break in Coruña
THERE IS a 2010 Lounge of the entrepreneur of the Atlantic Ocean
Coruña, Spain. 19.02.2010 - 20.02.2010
Lounge of the Entrepreneur of the Atlantic Ocean IS a 2010 it will be celebrated on February 19 and 20, 2010 in the Hotel Hesperia in A Coruna

International congress of Highways, Culture and Territory 2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 03.03.2010 - 05.03.2010
The first International Congress 2010 of Highways, Culture and Territory will take place in A coruña from March 3 until March 5, 2010.

EROS GALLICIA 2010: Erotic lounge of Gallicia in Coruña
Coruña, Spain. 05.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
EROS GALLICIA 2010 will celebrate in Gallicia the second erotic lounge of Gallicia, in the facilities of the exhibition site Expo Coruña between the 5th to March 7.
To sound 2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 17.06.2010 - 19.06.2010
To sound 2010 will be celebrated in ExpoCoruña and it will be the first time that goes out out of Barcelona with a simultaneous edition for the celebration of the Xacobeo 2010

Congress SEPAR 2010 Coruña: Neumología and Thoracic Surgery
Coruña, Spain. 25.06.2010 - 28.06.2010
The 43rd National Congress SEPAR 2010, Spanish Society of Neumología and Thoracic Surgery, will be celebrated on the 25th to June 28, 2010 in the PALEXCO, Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of A Coruna.

International congress AIESEP2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 26.10.2010 - 29.10.2010
Congress AIESEP 2010 A Coruna of the professionals Ferias in Lugo
Foresgal 2010 Lugo Takes a break Forest Internationally
Lugo, Spain. 26.03.2010 - 28.03.2010
International Forest fair from March 26 until March 28 in the Palace of Fairs and Congresses of Lugo

EQUIGAL 2010 Lugo: Lounge of the horse of Gallicia
Lugo, Spain. 09.09.2010 - 12.09.2010
The new edition of EQUIGAL the 'Lounge of the Horse of Gallicia', it will take place in the Country house of Feiras and Congresses of Lugo from September 9 until September 12, 2010. This new edition of the Lounge of the Horse of Gallicia, it will attract the city of the walls to all the Galician fans and of the whole Spain lover of the world of the horse
Lounge of the Classic Agricultural machinery of Lugo 2010
Lugo, Spain. 20.10.2010 - 29.10.2010
Fair of the Classic Machinery of Lugo from October 20 until October 29, 2010 You Take a break in Ourense
Xantar 2010 Ourense: Galician lounge of gastronomy and tourism 2010
Ourense, Spain. 03.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
Xantar 2010, the Galician lounge of gastronomy and tourism, will be celebrated in Ourense, in facilities of Expourense, between the next 03rd to March 07, 2010. Xantar, is a fair that once in years has not stopped growing, that there congregate Tens of thousands of persons, that transforms the Expourense enclosure into a big center of restoration and that turns into a forced appointment and is a bet for the Quality in the good one to eat.
PREVISEL 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the prevention and the labor safety 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 13.05.2010 - 14.05.2010
Previsel 2010 the lounge of was prewinning and the labor safety, it will celebrate his fifth edition this year 2010, in the facilities of the exhibition site of expourense, between the next 13th to May 14. To indicate that this fair has already turned into a modality inside the Galician community and in her that they all give themselves appointment professions related to the sector to present the last innovations and tendencies.

Vinis Terrae 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the Wine and the Galician Liquors of Quality 2010
Ourense, Spain. 07.06.2010 - 08.06.2010
Vinis Terrae 2010 the lounge of the wine and the Galician liquors of quality 2010, will celebrate this year his third edition in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 7th to June 8, 2010 (DATES DEPENDENT ON ASSERTION).

TERMATALIA 2010 Ourense: International fair of the thermal tourism 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 15.10.2010 - 17.10.2010
TERMATALIA 2010 the international fair of the thermal tourism, will be celebrated again in the city of Ourense, between the next 15th to October 17 (DATES DEPENDENT ON ASSERTION). It is necessary to remember that this is the only International Fair of Thermal Tourism of the Iberian Peninsula, and it has already turned into the whole modality on a global scale for the professionals of this sector, and in which all the last innovations and tendencies appear.

It celebrates 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the social acts 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 06.11.2010 - 07.11.2010
It celebrates 2010 the lounge of the social acts it will take place in Ourense, in exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 6th to November 7. This event takes as a principal target to facilitate the organization of both managerial and familiar events. This way this fair will show a wide offer of products and services with which to give answer to the complex planning of these social acts that need of anticipation to have success guarantee. Also there will appear the last innovations and tendencies of this sector.
IMAXE 2010 Ourense: Professional meeting of personal image 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 06.11.2010 - 07.11.2010
IMAXE 2010 the professional meeting of professional image, will be celebrated in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 06th to November 07, 2010.

Galisenior 2010 Ourense: Galician lounge of the biggest persons 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 19.11.2010 - 20.11.2010
Galisenior 2010 the Galician lounge of the biggest persons, will celebrate this year his seventh edition in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense. To indicate that this fair is the only one of these characteristics that is celebrated in the peninsular northwest and that is directed entirely to the biggest persons, to his families and to the professionals who work with this sector of the population, also in the fair there will appear to us all the last innovations of the sector.
Megaxove 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the youth 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 04.12.2010 - 08.12.2010
Megaxove 2010 the lounge of the youth, is an event especially thought for the youngest, in which they will be able to find all kinds of divertimentos and acts to spend it well and to enjoy, this way in this event there will be offered to the young people a big variety of sports, cultural and playful activities in order to which they enjoy them to the maximum. You take a break in A Road
Fair of Antiquities and Curious Things 2010 To Road, Gallicia
To Road, Spain. 06.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
The Fair of antiquities and curious things 2010, it will celebrate his thirty and sixth edition during the next 6th and 7th of March, 2010. It is necessary to point out that this fair is celebrated every four months, turning this way into a point of reference and of meeting of the sector in Gallicia, appearing to him in every edition, a big variety of antiquities and curious things.

Feira do Moble of Gallicia 2010 To Road: Fair of the furniture of Gallicia 2010
To Road, Spain. 11.09.2010 - 19.09.2010
The Feira do Moble of Gallicia 2010 as it has already being a habitual norm, will show us the last innovations and tendencies of the sector of the furniture. In this sense to emphasize that this fair also will be provided with a pavilion dedicated to the complements of the hearth, hence this fair should be one of the most important of the sector, as it it demonstrates that this year will celebrate his twenty and fourth edition. You take a break in Silleda
Gandagro Gallicia 2010: Fair of cattle and agriculture of Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 04.03.2010 - 06.03.2010
GANDAGRO 2010, the first monographic one specializing in cattle and agriculture of the peninsular northwest will take place from March 4 until March 6, 2010 in International Fair of Gallicia in Silleda
Green arch Ornamental Gallicia 2010 Silleda: It trades ornamental plants Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 04.03.2010 - 06.03.2010
The sector of the ornamental gardening and his complements has an annual appointment in Green Arch of Ornamental Gallicia this year from March 4 until March 6, 2010 in Silleda.

Green week of Gallicia 2010
Silleda, Spain. 10.06.2010 - 13.06.2010
33 edition of the Green Week of Gallicia will take place between 10 and on June 13, 2010 in the facilities of Feira of Gallicia, Silleda.

Fair Salimat 2010 Silleda Pontevedra: Lounge feeding of the Atlantic Ocean Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 10.06.2010 - 13.06.2010
The 14th edition of the Fair Salimat 2010 lounge dedicated to the sector of the feeding and the gastronomy, will be celebrated in the enclosure of Feira Internacional of Gallicia Silleda, Pontevedra, on the 10th to June 13, 2010.

Galiforest 2010 Gallicia:Feria forest of Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 24.06.2010 - 26.06.2010
Galiforest 2010 forest Fair of Gallicia will have biennial character and will be celebrated between 24 and on June 26, 2010 You Take a break in Vilagarcía de Arousa
ACUI 2010 Trades international aquaculture of Gallicia
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 02.03.2010 - 04.03.2010

VINTECH 2010 Lounge of the Wine, Skills and Equipment Villargacía Arosa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 26.04.2010 - 28.04.2010
Vintech 2010 Villagarcía de Arosa, the Lounge of the Wine, Skills and Equipment of Gallicia (Spain), a lounge that is born to encourage the channels of Commercialization of Products Linked to the industry of the wine, and that favors the implantation of new technologies and the meeting between industrialists of the sector of Proceeding from the whole world.

Festival of the North 2010 Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 30.04.2010 - 01.05.2010
The festival of the North, it has turned into a meeting point for thousands of young people, journalists and artists proceeding from all the points of Spain, Europe and even of other continents and this year will take place in Fexdega from April 30 until May 1
Multisectorial fair Fexdega 2010 Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 09.10.2010 - 17.10.2010
New edition, the number 41 of the multisectorial fair Fexdega from October 9 until October 17, 2010

Galinfancia 2010 Vilagaría de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 18.12.2010 - 31.12.2010
Galinfancia, is a fair of infantile and juvenile free time that offers novel attractions in every edition so that the lads have a healthy free time alternative during the empty thing that the classrooms leave in the Christmas holidays. This year will be from December 18 until December 31

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