Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Museum of the bagpipes, Ourense

Museum of the bagpipes of Ourense - Real Band of Bagpipes of Ourense

Also called International Museum of Bagpipes is in the dependencies of A Escola Provincial of Bagpipes of Ourense in the University Campus of Ourense and has a collection considered of the most valuable of this type of instrument in our country.
The collection of the museum illustrates us about the history of the bagpipe, in addition to exhibiting bagpipes and bagpipes of the world. Here also there are the dependencies on the Real Band of Bagpipes of the Delegation of Ourense that also is one of the most important on a global scale. The Real Band is decked by the classic Galician suits of gala of the XVIIIth century; and his repertoire is constituído for the melodies most representative of the musical tradition of Gallicia and countries dela Celtic area, completándo his works reportorio with melodies of different cultures of the world
In the museum we will be able to know more of this instrument and on the parts of the bagpipes
1. Punteiro
2. F ol
3. Roncón snored ou
a) It corners
b) Second
c) It occupies first place
4. Ronqueta
5. Loudmouth, Chión ou Pión
6. Soprete
7. Farrapos
8. Desaugue (in foles of gum)
9. Buxa do Punteiro
10. Tassels
The Real Band of Bagpipes has between others, the following distinctions:
Trophy "The best overseas pipe band", gained us mundiais of Bands of Bagpipes of Glasgow (August, 1991 and 1993).
Distinction á Band máis popular do Highland Gathering, celebrated in Jakarta 1992 (Indonesia)
Big Barnacle of silver and ouro, granted pola "Enxebre Xuntanza do Barnacle of Barcelona".
Big "Caball" gives cidade of Barcelona.
Recoñecemento medals you give cidades of Munich, Nürnberg and Berlin.
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Nantes.
Honor diploma gives cidade of Glasgow.
Special distinction do International Festival of Strakonice (Czechia)
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Caracas.
Honor distinction gives cidade of Chicago.
Medal of ouro da Cidade do Vatican.
Santidade or Pope Xoan Pablo II gives recoñecemento parchment súa.
Medal ó merit do Governed of Korea do South.
Distincións you give Televisións Nacionais of Mexico and Santo Domingo.
Recoñecemento do diploma Governed of Xapón.
Declaration do governed from Uruguay of national interest to presence Country gives Real Band not seu.
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Bós Aires.
Silver medal do Governed of Gallicia.
Trophy "Cidade of New York" (parade of San Patricio - On March 30 do 2000).
Ouro's Chave gives cidade of Newark (New Jersey).
I reward ó mellor communication work national and international, above-mentioned not ambience á Comunidade Autónoma of Gallicia, acadado or 13 of Decembro do 2002.
Ouro's Chave gives cidade of Melbourne.
Conservatory Recoñecemento do of Music of Sydney.
Title of REAL granted polas súas Maxestades Reies of Spain, Don Juan Carlos I and Sofia Donates.
Distinction gives Library of Alexandría.
Ouro's medal do Governed do Cairo.
Medal of ouro da Universidade do Cairo
Recoñecemento do Consello Superior of Antiquities of Egypt.
Ouro's big Shield do the Associate Free State of Puerto Rico

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