Thursday, March 25, 2010

You marry rectorales in Gallicia

The best Houses Rectorales of Gallicia
You marry rectorales of Gallicia to realize rural tourism in Gallicia.
In Gallicia we are lucky to count with a wide houses relation rectorales where to stay and not only to sleep but they count the majority with restaurants that are a real pleasure for the senses.
The rectorales are the ancient houses of the priest and therefore tied to the ecclesiastic power that in Gallicia was always a very important power. In Gallicia there are no humble residences attached to the church since there are real palaces, large houses of mellow ancestry and thick walls of granite where from the rural clergy was managing the divine matters and areas of this finis terrae. Because Gallicia, the most atavistic and rural Gallicia, would not be understood without the church and without the power that had in due time the figure of the priest.
Many of the rectorales are in deshuso or falls, but others have been restored for the rural tourism.
Next I relate some of those that I consider to be better so much for his situation, services, personal dealing, meal and visits in the surroundings.
Many are still missing, so little by little I promise to be including more so that you could choose. In any of them if you puncture in the linkage you will be able to have more information of each of them.
1.-Rectoral of Ansemil rural tourism in Celanova, Terras de Celanova, Ourense
2. - Rectoral de Castillón, Pantón, Lugo
3. - Rectoral de Candás Rairiz de Veiga, Ourense
4. - Rectoral of Movies, Oza two Rivers, Betanzos, A Coruna
5. - Rectoral of Areas Tui-Baixo Miño, Pontevedra
6.-Rectoral of Goián in Sarria, Lugo

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