Thursday, March 18, 2010

It came albariño without alcohol

It came albariño without alcohol: what does the idea look like to you?
The wine vault Mar de Frades, who at present prepares two types of albariños Denomination of Origin Laugh Baixas, it has established contacts with the innovative Galician company Raisin Dor SL, producer of wines without alcohol.
Mar de Frades there is contact for it and it has requested the services of Raisin Dor, with the intention of desalcoholizar it came albariño and to be able to extract to the market the first mark of 100 % albariño without alcohol.
Manuel Formoso, marketing manager of the Galician signature desalcoholizadora, the project is in his initial phase and they are with the challenge of the variety albariño that, in Formoso words, "would lose a lot of force in mouth once desalcoholizado".
For his part, the biologist they are shown, Ramón Bondelle, founder of the Galician company Raisin Dor, has declared last week in the presentation of the new scale of wines without alcohol, which at present his new white wine ZeroZero, one possesses "coupage of albariño" and that the added difficulty of realizing a wine 100 % albariño without alcohol is in the costs of production that would increase too much the price of the final product on the market.
Anyway the project is in his initial phase and it might have exit on the market, remember on this matter that for example the quota of the consumption of the beer without alcohol is in increase and the almost entire prohibition of taking alcohol and of driving might increase the wine consumption without alcohol in the social celebrations.

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