Thursday, March 18, 2010

Festa do broth galego of Mourente

Holiday of the Galician broth of Mourente - Festa do broth galego of Mourente
There are already 19 Years of a traditional Gastronomic Holiday, “TO FESTA DO BROTH GALEGO” in the Parish of Mourente - areales, being the First and the only one in Gallicia, this year will be "XIX" Edition that is realized, taking place on March 13-14, 2010.
This Gastronomic Holiday to which homage yields to the Galician Broth, which was one of the most important food in all the epochs of our Gallicia, and in these completely different times, keeps on appreciating and tasting, for being a plate, exquisitely, of a flavor and unmistakable smell, of a big protein level, for the quantity of products that can go in his making.
Since it is the broth that is prepared in this Holiday, the Galician ancient tradition.
The broth, it admits many products, but it is not possible to do a good broth without the essential thing.
We consider essentially, the water, the potato, the meat and the vegetables (beans turnip greens and cabbage) quite of the country. The water influences the making of a good broth, depending on the hardness and composition of the water, the broth changes flavor.
The meats that this broth takes, are very varied; veal, pork, like salty rib, cacheira, ham or ham, streaky bacon, elbow, hoof, ear, cooked sausage, hen, and without forgetting the ointment, indispensable to do a good broth.
The vegetables, and vegetables that sound takes: turnip greens, white or green cabbages, but of the country, depending on the class of the cabbage, the potato, it takes two types a floury potato that comes undone and another potato that does not come undone to set in the casserole with the meat, and the beans are also indispensable in the broth.
Then also it depends on that does to himself a good broth of the time of cooking, since this one has to become very slow, since he begins boiling, depending on the quantity, he would need like minimum from 3 until 4 hours.
Of all these articles the broth gives "XIX" FESTA DO BROTH CALEGO goes of all of them and of the first quality. Since it is possible to verify on Saturday, the 13th evening, in this Lodgers association, before his making, we invite all the persons who want to verify the ingredients and the preparation of the same ones to which they happen for the social place of this Lodgers association in areales Mourente - Pontevedra on Saturday from 4 p.m.
To part of the 4 of the Agent and four projecting members of the board that compose this Lodgers association. More than 40 persons are necessary to prepare all these spices, like; to peel and to sting potatoes, to clean and to sting the vegetable, the meats, the sausages, etc, these persons belong to the parish, housewives, that every year they appear in this association with his knife, to give his collaboration and help each one more or less already they organize themselves and it is begun at 11 a.m. until high hours of the night and at 2 a.m. one begins preparing the broth, so that it is in his point at 11 a.m. of Sunday, the 14th.
They will install two big Tents to themselves with tables and chairs to lodge all the assistants in case of bad weather, so that they could be comfortable, with tables and chairs and to savor the Broth Galego in his mud cup serografiada with the name of the holiday and the casserole of mud with the pork, veal, sausage, potato and turnip greens.
The prices are of 2 Euros the broth cup and 4 Euros the casserole, and to take the cup serografiada and the mud casserole.
On Saturday, the 13th
12:00 h.-Imposition of layers and medals to the new gentlemen and checkers of the order of the broth.
13:00 h.-He Visits to the monument and to the social place where a Galician wine will make use.
21:00 h.-Big Performance of the bands Idle and Pink Sauce.
On Sunday, the 14th of March
12:30 h - authorities Reception.
13:00 h.-Reading of the Public announcement gives XIX edition gives Festa do Broth Galego responsible for Benigno Campos, Cook of the Program Larpeiros that is expressed every Thursday by the TVG.
Homage to the person of the parish; D. Celso Mirón Villaverde.
Neighbor of the Parish and exmanager of the AW. of Mourente.
14: 00 h.-Performances of folk groups with Galician and Portuguese music.
Performance of a group of Penafiel Portugal.
Performance of Tenorio's trazantes.
Performance of make happy of the Parish of Mourente.
Tasting do galego broth and Xantar.
20:00 h.-Performance of the bands Marbella and Tokyo.
To see more: Gastronomic holidays in Gallicia

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