Monday, March 15, 2010

The Pope in Gallicia on November 6, 2010

The Pope will visit Gallicia in November, 2010
For lack of assertion of more events the Xacobeo 2010 has obtained a fame "signing" for the cause and the fact is that it has been confirmed that the Pope will visit Gallicia on November 6, 2010 in addition to Barcelona on the following day.
The Pope will begin his trip next November 6 in Santiago owing to the Holy Year Xacobeo 2010, to come to Barcelona on November 7. The trip to the Catalan capital will center on the consecration of the Sacred Family while the trip to Santiago will center on the celebrations of the year Xacobeo.
The Pope Benedicto XVI will visit Santiago de Compostela as it transmitted the archbishop of Santiago, monsignor Julián Barrio. It is a question of the second trip of Benedicto XVI to Spain, after the visit that it realized in 2006 to Valencia owing to the World Meeting of the Families (EMF), and it will join the one for that it reckons to realize in 2011 Madrid owing to the World Day of the Youth (JMJ).

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