Saturday, March 13, 2010

You offer State-run hotels Xacobeo Gallicia 2010

Offer of State-run hotels in year Xacobeo 2010
The State-run hotels network has prepared a special offer on the occasion of the year Xacobeo to stay at the State-run hotels of Gallicia.
Paradores proposes to you several routes, of 3 or 7 nights, with an end of common way: the emblematic State-run hotel of Santiago, the most ancient considered hotel of the world. According to the days of our holidays we will choose the short offer of 3 nights or to spend a finished week in Gallicia.
In 2010 it will be commemorated the second Holy Year of the XXIst century. The Year to Retire Of Santiago de Compostela is celebrated from the Middle Age, when the festivity of Apostle Santiago Major, on July 25, coincides in Sunday. This usually happens every 6, 5, 6 and 11 years. Three last ones of the cycle were a 1993, 1999 and 2004 and the following ones will be in 2010 and 2021. The religious celebration begins in the evening of every December 31 of the previous year, and the same day of one year ends later.
Paradores offers you the possibility of joining this celebration enjoying three routes, in that to discover the magic of the way, his cultural rooting, the traditions, the art and the gastronomy that wait for the good walker.
These are the offers:
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO TRAVELED PORTUGUESE> 3 nights. State-run hotels of Baiona, Pontevedra and State-run hotel of Santiago de Compostela
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO I> 7 nights. State-run hotels of León, Monforte de Lemos, Pontevedra, Cambados and Santiago de Compostela.
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO II> 7 nights. State-run hotels of León, Monforte de Lemos, Vilalba, Ferrol, Santiago de Compostela
If you puncture in each of the offers you will have the finished information of every route and of the accommodations that it includes. Since you can see the last accommodation it is impressive in the State-run hotel of Santiago de Compostela and the prices in global are enough good.

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