Sunday, March 14, 2010

Recovery of the islet of Insuiña, Put Sampaio

The Department of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment invests in the acquisition, recovery and environmental conditioning of the islet of A Insuíña in Put Sampaio, Pontevedra. Secretary general of the Sea, Juan Carlos Martín Fragueiro accompanied by the delegate of the Government in Gallicia, Anthony Louro, has inaugurated today the performances that the Headquarter of Sostenibilidad of the Coast and the Sea has been carried out by it in the islet of A Insuíña, placed in Put Sampaio, municipal term of Pontevedra. The entire amount of the acquisition and the performances of recovery and environmental conditioning carried out in the area amount to 748.158 euros. The surface of the farm is 3.082 square meters. The Direction of Sostenibilidad of the Coast and the Sea, it prepared a project consisting of the conditioning and restoration of the islet and to facilitate the access and the transit for the same one by means of the creation of a footpath perimetral and the fitting out of interior paths where diverse rest areas have got ready with his urban movable correspondent, banks sources, paleras, etc. In this project, diverse existing singular elements have recovered in the farm such like a lookout, the bridge of access to the islet, a dovecote and a barn, which aspect is highlighted by lighting elements. The budget of the performance of progress has been 564.050 euros. By means of the acquisition of this farm, to the value of 184.000 euros, the targets of the MARM have been reinforced in Coasts observance of the law: on the one hand, to brake the deterioration of the coastal stripe owed diverse actions antrópicas in the areas paisajísticamente more beautiful; and for other arranges the coast, especially in those areas that suffer a major town-planning pressure, assuring the protection of the marine - Terrestrial Public domain.

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