Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Diana Krall y Elvis Costello in Xacobeo 2010

Diana Krall y Elvis Costello in the Xacobeo 2010
Sociedade Anónima of Xestión do Plan Xacobeo has just announced that it has come to an agreement with the representatives of Elvis Costello and Diana Krall to do a concert in Santiago de Compostela for which one knows already the day next July 27 in the square of the Obradoiro (on 13.000 spectators), or in his defect in the square of the Quintana (with slightly less than the half, 5.500).
They will not be free, but they affirm that they will have familiar prices.
You already know that the two are equal so it does not discard that they interpret topics to duo in any moment of the concerts that will be one next of other.
Elvis Costello, nominated to the Oscar to the best song in 2003 for Cold Mountain, accumulates from 1977 a discography of 38 álbumes for his part, Diana Krall has in his credit 14 discs from 1989 to 2009).
To see more concerts Xacobeo 2010

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