Thursday, March 25, 2010

You marry rectorales in Gallicia

The best Houses Rectorales of Gallicia
You marry rectorales of Gallicia to realize rural tourism in Gallicia.
In Gallicia we are lucky to count with a wide houses relation rectorales where to stay and not only to sleep but they count the majority with restaurants that are a real pleasure for the senses.
The rectorales are the ancient houses of the priest and therefore tied to the ecclesiastic power that in Gallicia was always a very important power. In Gallicia there are no humble residences attached to the church since there are real palaces, large houses of mellow ancestry and thick walls of granite where from the rural clergy was managing the divine matters and areas of this finis terrae. Because Gallicia, the most atavistic and rural Gallicia, would not be understood without the church and without the power that had in due time the figure of the priest.
Many of the rectorales are in deshuso or falls, but others have been restored for the rural tourism.
Next I relate some of those that I consider to be better so much for his situation, services, personal dealing, meal and visits in the surroundings.
Many are still missing, so little by little I promise to be including more so that you could choose. In any of them if you puncture in the linkage you will be able to have more information of each of them.
1.-Rectoral of Ansemil rural tourism in Celanova, Terras de Celanova, Ourense
2. - Rectoral de Castillón, Pantón, Lugo
3. - Rectoral de Candás Rairiz de Veiga, Ourense
4. - Rectoral of Movies, Oza two Rivers, Betanzos, A Coruna
5. - Rectoral of Areas Tui-Baixo Miño, Pontevedra
6.-Rectoral of Goián in Sarria, Lugo

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Visits guided in A Coruna, entire success

Three programs of holding a permit visits started by Tourism of A Coruna are a big success of public and visitors.
In the past exercise they took part in the night tour for the Old City, as well as the trip for the Tower of Hércules and the Route Picaso-Modernista a whole of 2.105 persons, opposite to the 1.130 that took refuge in this offer of Tourism of A Coruna in the previous year.
The programs of tourist visits, which from the year 2009 are of free character and are provided with the collaboration of the Delegation of A Coruna, are turning into an important claim at the time of visitors receive the city, what not only remains demonstrated by the number of participants, but also by the multiple earnings in the web of Tourism and calls to the office to request information about these visits.
Before the success obtained in the last calls, the first vice-mayor and responsible for the area for Tourism, Henrique Tello, announced that the program will be recaptured in March and also it goes to prepare a leaflet with all the information of interest about the program of holding a permit visits that will be distributed in the hotels and restaurants of the city, with the collaboration of the Association of Accommodation (Hospeco).
With regard to the numbers of visitors, the form with major success for his originality and delight was the night tour for the Old City, in which a whole of 1.248 persons took part. Secondly there is located the tower of Hércules, which increased very much the visits record thanks to his declaration like Patrimony of the Humanity, happening from the 182 in 2008 to the 652 last year. Finally the visits are located to the route Picasso and modernist route, which also it increased from 85 to 205 participants in 2009.
For origin of the visitors, the tourists of the rest of the State were the most numerous, obtaining the number of 1.418. Between they emphasize those of Madrid, with nearly 550 visits, followed from Barcelona, Valladolid, Asturias, Bilbao and Toledo. With regard to the foreign visitors, Europe heads the list, with 106 participants headed by the Britons, Portugueses and French. In what he respects to the rest of the origins, there were 94 the proceeding ones from American countries and the number of Australian visitors stands out, that it promoted 14 persons.
In the relative one to the type of accommodation in which the participants were staying at these programs, the most numerous correspond to hotels of four stars, with a whole of 490 persons, followed by those of three and two stars.
To see information in: Tourism Coruña and in Which to see in A Coruna

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Seafront of Noia

Seafront of Noia
In the beautiful Noia town we have the occasion to enjoy a beautiful seafront an area gained the sea and that has turned into the center of free time of the noieses. An open space along with laughs, to enjoy. Better with high tide.
A criticism of the walk there are the unesthetic lines of power line that can turn, but if we forget of this the walk it has turned into a place for the enjoyment of the city of Noia
I leave photos to you.

Group Gallicia Gourmand cooks with delight in Gallicia

The Group Gallicia Gourmand “Kitchens with Delight” presented in the Gastronomic Forum 2010 of Santiago de Compostela to himself.
This group is constituted by 14 establishments:
– Inn of Sano Lázaro, Santiago de Compostela; The House of the Martínez, Electoral roll; Inn Afonso - Ferrol; – House You Hang – Narón; – The Bodeguilla of the Orchard – Oleiros; – Country house of Mendoza – Baiona; – House Moncho – Vigo; – Restaurant Gaioso – A Coruna; – Restaurant Castelo – Pobra del Caramiñal; – Detapaencepa – Vigo; – Wool marries of 5 Doors – Pontevedra; – Reitoral de Ansemil – Celanova; - To Stop you give Bestas – Spades of Rei; Spit Or Country house – Electoral roll.
From the same day of the presentation, the event will be started called “Routes of the Kitchens with Delight” in the one that rewards the clients who gather a primer where they will represent the stamps of all the restaurants.
If a client realizes a meal in all the establishments of the Group Gourmand Cocinas with Delight, it will be rewarded with a meal / dinner for two persons in one of the associate places that it chooses.
This association was constituted in the year 2009 and was born how stamp of identity of fourteen Galician establishments that propose a culinary offer based on the continuous reference to the proper products of Gallicia as quality guarantee.
The kitchens of the Group Gallicia Gourmand are characterized by the fidelity to the creation of new flavors that are born of the traditional products and of the vanguardismo and the imagination that they give like turned out a different kitchen, retailer and personalized.
Also the kitchens of these establishment you are managed by some of the best cooks of the whole Gallicia. Streaming 24 S08E12 Day 8: 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM now

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sports port of Sada

Sports port of Sada
The sports Sada port provides to the fan of the seamanship a whole of 900 moorings, provided with water and electricity for crafts of up to 20 meters of length and 3 meters of openwork and placed inside a wide service area and maintenance, repair and supplying of fuel.
He has a few general services of water, light, seamanship, alertness 24 hours, captaincy, showers and toilets.
In the same way, it is provided with fuel supply with pantalán of docking, service of travel-lift for crafts of up to 30 tons and area of marina dry and streamlined to carry maintenance out, invernaje and repairs.
All kinds of services is very close to the port: doctors, drugstores, banks, school of sail, hotels, taxis, post office, naval effects, supermarkets, shops, etc. Download Law & Order S20E16 Innocence free

Rural hotel in the Lower Estuaries

Rural hotel in the Lower Estuaries
Rural hotel Eirado do Pine - Laugh Baixas

We are in the Rías Baixas in the heart of the Salnés province of Pontevedra close to the principal tourist places like Santiago de Compostela to half an hour of car, as well as Vigo, Pontevedra to 15 minutes and to only 7 minutes Sanxenxo, Or Grove, Portonovo, Cambados, Isla de Arosa, Combarro...
Information of contact and location: DIRECTION: C. / Quintáns, nº 8 - Simes - Meaño - PontevedraE-MAIL: PHONES: I fix: 986 747 893 mobile: 639 703 573
CAPACITY: 5 habitacionesPLAZAS: 10SUPLETORIAS: 2CUNAS: available free.
ACTIVITIES: inside the hotel games of table, field of babimtón, minifield of fúbol, petanque, bikes.
ACTIVITIES OUT OF THE HOTEL: go-carts, scuart, routes on horseback, routes of the mills, routes of the stone and the water, visits to museums, to monuments, to lookouts, to wine vaults, trips in gastronomic ship, sail, catamaran, holiday, trips to islands cies and ons...
Eirado do Pine inaugurates his facilities in 2007, our target is to give a good service and a rest assured to the clients, being disconnected this way of the daily stress. Our detached house was restored concerning the Galician architecture combining the stone with the wood, since we preserve the barn where there keep the food sustenance, like potatoes, onions, corn for the animalcules... as well as a wine vault artisan, a giant barbecue with stone stove for the typical bread of Gallicia.
Eirado do Pine is located in a farm called Cidreiras of 14.000 m2 any of her with trees, corral of animalcules, vineyards, areas landscaped with games of exterior...
The hotel composes of five rooms all of them with bath, calefación, tv., with different decoration and very cozy.
In our Social Lounge we have table games, tv., chimney, reading for children and adults.
In the dining room they will be able to taste the most exquisite plates so much in seafood, fish and meats.
The desserts are home-made and the wine with denomination of well-known origin like albariño.
The hotel surrounds itself for a veranda with an open part and other one closed where they can take a few good glasses.
The proprietors of Eirado do Pine will attend to them in everything what they need as well as to facilitate to them the places to be visited of more interest, the dealing of the same ones is very nearby and a relative, making them feel as in its own house so it is an accommodation much but that much recommended.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It came albariño without alcohol

It came albariño without alcohol: what does the idea look like to you?
The wine vault Mar de Frades, who at present prepares two types of albariños Denomination of Origin Laugh Baixas, it has established contacts with the innovative Galician company Raisin Dor SL, producer of wines without alcohol.
Mar de Frades there is contact for it and it has requested the services of Raisin Dor, with the intention of desalcoholizar it came albariño and to be able to extract to the market the first mark of 100 % albariño without alcohol.
Manuel Formoso, marketing manager of the Galician signature desalcoholizadora, the project is in his initial phase and they are with the challenge of the variety albariño that, in Formoso words, "would lose a lot of force in mouth once desalcoholizado".
For his part, the biologist they are shown, Ramón Bondelle, founder of the Galician company Raisin Dor, has declared last week in the presentation of the new scale of wines without alcohol, which at present his new white wine ZeroZero, one possesses "coupage of albariño" and that the added difficulty of realizing a wine 100 % albariño without alcohol is in the costs of production that would increase too much the price of the final product on the market.
Anyway the project is in his initial phase and it might have exit on the market, remember on this matter that for example the quota of the consumption of the beer without alcohol is in increase and the almost entire prohibition of taking alcohol and of driving might increase the wine consumption without alcohol in the social celebrations.

Festa do broth galego of Mourente

Holiday of the Galician broth of Mourente - Festa do broth galego of Mourente
There are already 19 Years of a traditional Gastronomic Holiday, “TO FESTA DO BROTH GALEGO” in the Parish of Mourente - areales, being the First and the only one in Gallicia, this year will be "XIX" Edition that is realized, taking place on March 13-14, 2010.
This Gastronomic Holiday to which homage yields to the Galician Broth, which was one of the most important food in all the epochs of our Gallicia, and in these completely different times, keeps on appreciating and tasting, for being a plate, exquisitely, of a flavor and unmistakable smell, of a big protein level, for the quantity of products that can go in his making.
Since it is the broth that is prepared in this Holiday, the Galician ancient tradition.
The broth, it admits many products, but it is not possible to do a good broth without the essential thing.
We consider essentially, the water, the potato, the meat and the vegetables (beans turnip greens and cabbage) quite of the country. The water influences the making of a good broth, depending on the hardness and composition of the water, the broth changes flavor.
The meats that this broth takes, are very varied; veal, pork, like salty rib, cacheira, ham or ham, streaky bacon, elbow, hoof, ear, cooked sausage, hen, and without forgetting the ointment, indispensable to do a good broth.
The vegetables, and vegetables that sound takes: turnip greens, white or green cabbages, but of the country, depending on the class of the cabbage, the potato, it takes two types a floury potato that comes undone and another potato that does not come undone to set in the casserole with the meat, and the beans are also indispensable in the broth.
Then also it depends on that does to himself a good broth of the time of cooking, since this one has to become very slow, since he begins boiling, depending on the quantity, he would need like minimum from 3 until 4 hours.
Of all these articles the broth gives "XIX" FESTA DO BROTH CALEGO goes of all of them and of the first quality. Since it is possible to verify on Saturday, the 13th evening, in this Lodgers association, before his making, we invite all the persons who want to verify the ingredients and the preparation of the same ones to which they happen for the social place of this Lodgers association in areales Mourente - Pontevedra on Saturday from 4 p.m.
To part of the 4 of the Agent and four projecting members of the board that compose this Lodgers association. More than 40 persons are necessary to prepare all these spices, like; to peel and to sting potatoes, to clean and to sting the vegetable, the meats, the sausages, etc, these persons belong to the parish, housewives, that every year they appear in this association with his knife, to give his collaboration and help each one more or less already they organize themselves and it is begun at 11 a.m. until high hours of the night and at 2 a.m. one begins preparing the broth, so that it is in his point at 11 a.m. of Sunday, the 14th.
They will install two big Tents to themselves with tables and chairs to lodge all the assistants in case of bad weather, so that they could be comfortable, with tables and chairs and to savor the Broth Galego in his mud cup serografiada with the name of the holiday and the casserole of mud with the pork, veal, sausage, potato and turnip greens.
The prices are of 2 Euros the broth cup and 4 Euros the casserole, and to take the cup serografiada and the mud casserole.
On Saturday, the 13th
12:00 h.-Imposition of layers and medals to the new gentlemen and checkers of the order of the broth.
13:00 h.-He Visits to the monument and to the social place where a Galician wine will make use.
21:00 h.-Big Performance of the bands Idle and Pink Sauce.
On Sunday, the 14th of March
12:30 h - authorities Reception.
13:00 h.-Reading of the Public announcement gives XIX edition gives Festa do Broth Galego responsible for Benigno Campos, Cook of the Program Larpeiros that is expressed every Thursday by the TVG.
Homage to the person of the parish; D. Celso Mirón Villaverde.
Neighbor of the Parish and exmanager of the AW. of Mourente.
14: 00 h.-Performances of folk groups with Galician and Portuguese music.
Performance of a group of Penafiel Portugal.
Performance of Tenorio's trazantes.
Performance of make happy of the Parish of Mourente.
Tasting do galego broth and Xantar.
20:00 h.-Performance of the bands Marbella and Tokyo.
To see more: Gastronomic holidays in Gallicia

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Diana Krall y Elvis Costello in Xacobeo 2010

Diana Krall y Elvis Costello in the Xacobeo 2010
Sociedade Anónima of Xestión do Plan Xacobeo has just announced that it has come to an agreement with the representatives of Elvis Costello and Diana Krall to do a concert in Santiago de Compostela for which one knows already the day next July 27 in the square of the Obradoiro (on 13.000 spectators), or in his defect in the square of the Quintana (with slightly less than the half, 5.500).
They will not be free, but they affirm that they will have familiar prices.
You already know that the two are equal so it does not discard that they interpret topics to duo in any moment of the concerts that will be one next of other.
Elvis Costello, nominated to the Oscar to the best song in 2003 for Cold Mountain, accumulates from 1977 a discography of 38 álbumes for his part, Diana Krall has in his credit 14 discs from 1989 to 2009).
To see more concerts Xacobeo 2010

State-run hotel of Muxia a project in the only enclave

The project of the future state-run hotel of Muxia is framed in the only environment
Alfonso Penela the architect who designed the state-run hotel exhibits the details of the state-run hotel after the State and the Xunta were reaching an agreement last month to unblock the work after years of shutdown.
Nearly 90 rooms will be buried largely and the conference to the sea will be the indisputable protagonists in the work and the hillside employed at patios by the hand of the man.
According to words of Punish it the one who is in charge is the natural space, the scenery that flows from the hillsides in Lourido patios up to the sea opposite to the Lourido beach in Muxia. The state-run hotel is born with vocation of being part of this fluency, not of be imposing on her.
The recreation of the building with which Alfonso Penela shows his idea does not leave place to doubts. The architecture is born from the nature and owes to her. «The room is what is seen from the room», it aimed Punish it explaining the reasons that led it to presenting his design.
Let's hope that there should not keep on taking a long time the construction of the one that would be the first state-run hotel of A Coast Morte gives.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lookout Monte Nariga in Malpica

Lookout of the Mount Nariga in Malpica The lookout of the mount Nariga is found by us to 219 meters of altitude on the sea level, in a forest outline. We can visit it in a place, according to the toponymy, with form of nose, which gathers the winds of the North-East to turn them into electric power by means of a wind park.
They emphasize the beautiful panoramas of the low grounds of Bergantiños and the vales incrusted between the mixed forests.
I access: from Malpica to continue the highway to Ponteceso up to the parish of Mens, to continue for the local highway up to the mount Nariga, where the lookout is.

Museum of the bagpipes, Ourense

Museum of the bagpipes of Ourense - Real Band of Bagpipes of Ourense

Also called International Museum of Bagpipes is in the dependencies of A Escola Provincial of Bagpipes of Ourense in the University Campus of Ourense and has a collection considered of the most valuable of this type of instrument in our country.
The collection of the museum illustrates us about the history of the bagpipe, in addition to exhibiting bagpipes and bagpipes of the world. Here also there are the dependencies on the Real Band of Bagpipes of the Delegation of Ourense that also is one of the most important on a global scale. The Real Band is decked by the classic Galician suits of gala of the XVIIIth century; and his repertoire is constituído for the melodies most representative of the musical tradition of Gallicia and countries dela Celtic area, completándo his works reportorio with melodies of different cultures of the world
In the museum we will be able to know more of this instrument and on the parts of the bagpipes
1. Punteiro
2. F ol
3. Roncón snored ou
a) It corners
b) Second
c) It occupies first place
4. Ronqueta
5. Loudmouth, Chión ou Pión
6. Soprete
7. Farrapos
8. Desaugue (in foles of gum)
9. Buxa do Punteiro
10. Tassels
The Real Band of Bagpipes has between others, the following distinctions:
Trophy "The best overseas pipe band", gained us mundiais of Bands of Bagpipes of Glasgow (August, 1991 and 1993).
Distinction á Band máis popular do Highland Gathering, celebrated in Jakarta 1992 (Indonesia)
Big Barnacle of silver and ouro, granted pola "Enxebre Xuntanza do Barnacle of Barcelona".
Big "Caball" gives cidade of Barcelona.
Recoñecemento medals you give cidades of Munich, Nürnberg and Berlin.
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Nantes.
Honor diploma gives cidade of Glasgow.
Special distinction do International Festival of Strakonice (Czechia)
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Caracas.
Honor distinction gives cidade of Chicago.
Medal of ouro da Cidade do Vatican.
Santidade or Pope Xoan Pablo II gives recoñecemento parchment súa.
Medal ó merit do Governed of Korea do South.
Distincións you give Televisións Nacionais of Mexico and Santo Domingo.
Recoñecemento do diploma Governed of Xapón.
Declaration do governed from Uruguay of national interest to presence Country gives Real Band not seu.
Ouro's medal gives cidade of Bós Aires.
Silver medal do Governed of Gallicia.
Trophy "Cidade of New York" (parade of San Patricio - On March 30 do 2000).
Ouro's Chave gives cidade of Newark (New Jersey).
I reward ó mellor communication work national and international, above-mentioned not ambience á Comunidade Autónoma of Gallicia, acadado or 13 of Decembro do 2002.
Ouro's Chave gives cidade of Melbourne.
Conservatory Recoñecemento do of Music of Sydney.
Title of REAL granted polas súas Maxestades Reies of Spain, Don Juan Carlos I and Sofia Donates.
Distinction gives Library of Alexandría.
Ouro's medal do Governed do Cairo.
Medal of ouro da Universidade do Cairo
Recoñecemento do Consello Superior of Antiquities of Egypt.
Ouro's big Shield do the Associate Free State of Puerto Rico

Monday, March 15, 2010

You take a break in Gallicia 2010

You trade in Gallicia Striped 2010 of fairs and events to be celebrated during the year 2010 in Gallicia You Take a break in Coruña
THERE IS a 2010 Lounge of the entrepreneur of the Atlantic Ocean
Coruña, Spain. 19.02.2010 - 20.02.2010
Lounge of the Entrepreneur of the Atlantic Ocean IS a 2010 it will be celebrated on February 19 and 20, 2010 in the Hotel Hesperia in A Coruna

International congress of Highways, Culture and Territory 2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 03.03.2010 - 05.03.2010
The first International Congress 2010 of Highways, Culture and Territory will take place in A coruña from March 3 until March 5, 2010.

EROS GALLICIA 2010: Erotic lounge of Gallicia in Coruña
Coruña, Spain. 05.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
EROS GALLICIA 2010 will celebrate in Gallicia the second erotic lounge of Gallicia, in the facilities of the exhibition site Expo Coruña between the 5th to March 7.
To sound 2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 17.06.2010 - 19.06.2010
To sound 2010 will be celebrated in ExpoCoruña and it will be the first time that goes out out of Barcelona with a simultaneous edition for the celebration of the Xacobeo 2010

Congress SEPAR 2010 Coruña: Neumología and Thoracic Surgery
Coruña, Spain. 25.06.2010 - 28.06.2010
The 43rd National Congress SEPAR 2010, Spanish Society of Neumología and Thoracic Surgery, will be celebrated on the 25th to June 28, 2010 in the PALEXCO, Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of A Coruna.

International congress AIESEP2010 A Coruna
Coruña, Spain. 26.10.2010 - 29.10.2010
Congress AIESEP 2010 A Coruna of the professionals Ferias in Lugo
Foresgal 2010 Lugo Takes a break Forest Internationally
Lugo, Spain. 26.03.2010 - 28.03.2010
International Forest fair from March 26 until March 28 in the Palace of Fairs and Congresses of Lugo

EQUIGAL 2010 Lugo: Lounge of the horse of Gallicia
Lugo, Spain. 09.09.2010 - 12.09.2010
The new edition of EQUIGAL the 'Lounge of the Horse of Gallicia', it will take place in the Country house of Feiras and Congresses of Lugo from September 9 until September 12, 2010. This new edition of the Lounge of the Horse of Gallicia, it will attract the city of the walls to all the Galician fans and of the whole Spain lover of the world of the horse
Lounge of the Classic Agricultural machinery of Lugo 2010
Lugo, Spain. 20.10.2010 - 29.10.2010
Fair of the Classic Machinery of Lugo from October 20 until October 29, 2010 You Take a break in Ourense
Xantar 2010 Ourense: Galician lounge of gastronomy and tourism 2010
Ourense, Spain. 03.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
Xantar 2010, the Galician lounge of gastronomy and tourism, will be celebrated in Ourense, in facilities of Expourense, between the next 03rd to March 07, 2010. Xantar, is a fair that once in years has not stopped growing, that there congregate Tens of thousands of persons, that transforms the Expourense enclosure into a big center of restoration and that turns into a forced appointment and is a bet for the Quality in the good one to eat.
PREVISEL 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the prevention and the labor safety 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 13.05.2010 - 14.05.2010
Previsel 2010 the lounge of was prewinning and the labor safety, it will celebrate his fifth edition this year 2010, in the facilities of the exhibition site of expourense, between the next 13th to May 14. To indicate that this fair has already turned into a modality inside the Galician community and in her that they all give themselves appointment professions related to the sector to present the last innovations and tendencies.

Vinis Terrae 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the Wine and the Galician Liquors of Quality 2010
Ourense, Spain. 07.06.2010 - 08.06.2010
Vinis Terrae 2010 the lounge of the wine and the Galician liquors of quality 2010, will celebrate this year his third edition in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 7th to June 8, 2010 (DATES DEPENDENT ON ASSERTION).

TERMATALIA 2010 Ourense: International fair of the thermal tourism 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 15.10.2010 - 17.10.2010
TERMATALIA 2010 the international fair of the thermal tourism, will be celebrated again in the city of Ourense, between the next 15th to October 17 (DATES DEPENDENT ON ASSERTION). It is necessary to remember that this is the only International Fair of Thermal Tourism of the Iberian Peninsula, and it has already turned into the whole modality on a global scale for the professionals of this sector, and in which all the last innovations and tendencies appear.

It celebrates 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the social acts 2010, Ourense
Ourense, Spain. 06.11.2010 - 07.11.2010
It celebrates 2010 the lounge of the social acts it will take place in Ourense, in exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 6th to November 7. This event takes as a principal target to facilitate the organization of both managerial and familiar events. This way this fair will show a wide offer of products and services with which to give answer to the complex planning of these social acts that need of anticipation to have success guarantee. Also there will appear the last innovations and tendencies of this sector.
IMAXE 2010 Ourense: Professional meeting of personal image 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 06.11.2010 - 07.11.2010
IMAXE 2010 the professional meeting of professional image, will be celebrated in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense, between the next 06th to November 07, 2010.

Galisenior 2010 Ourense: Galician lounge of the biggest persons 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 19.11.2010 - 20.11.2010
Galisenior 2010 the Galician lounge of the biggest persons, will celebrate this year his seventh edition in Ourense, in facilities of the exhibition site of Expourense. To indicate that this fair is the only one of these characteristics that is celebrated in the peninsular northwest and that is directed entirely to the biggest persons, to his families and to the professionals who work with this sector of the population, also in the fair there will appear to us all the last innovations of the sector.
Megaxove 2010 Ourense: Lounge of the youth 2010, Gallicia
Ourense, Spain. 04.12.2010 - 08.12.2010
Megaxove 2010 the lounge of the youth, is an event especially thought for the youngest, in which they will be able to find all kinds of divertimentos and acts to spend it well and to enjoy, this way in this event there will be offered to the young people a big variety of sports, cultural and playful activities in order to which they enjoy them to the maximum. You take a break in A Road
Fair of Antiquities and Curious Things 2010 To Road, Gallicia
To Road, Spain. 06.03.2010 - 07.03.2010
The Fair of antiquities and curious things 2010, it will celebrate his thirty and sixth edition during the next 6th and 7th of March, 2010. It is necessary to point out that this fair is celebrated every four months, turning this way into a point of reference and of meeting of the sector in Gallicia, appearing to him in every edition, a big variety of antiquities and curious things.

Feira do Moble of Gallicia 2010 To Road: Fair of the furniture of Gallicia 2010
To Road, Spain. 11.09.2010 - 19.09.2010
The Feira do Moble of Gallicia 2010 as it has already being a habitual norm, will show us the last innovations and tendencies of the sector of the furniture. In this sense to emphasize that this fair also will be provided with a pavilion dedicated to the complements of the hearth, hence this fair should be one of the most important of the sector, as it it demonstrates that this year will celebrate his twenty and fourth edition. You take a break in Silleda
Gandagro Gallicia 2010: Fair of cattle and agriculture of Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 04.03.2010 - 06.03.2010
GANDAGRO 2010, the first monographic one specializing in cattle and agriculture of the peninsular northwest will take place from March 4 until March 6, 2010 in International Fair of Gallicia in Silleda
Green arch Ornamental Gallicia 2010 Silleda: It trades ornamental plants Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 04.03.2010 - 06.03.2010
The sector of the ornamental gardening and his complements has an annual appointment in Green Arch of Ornamental Gallicia this year from March 4 until March 6, 2010 in Silleda.

Green week of Gallicia 2010
Silleda, Spain. 10.06.2010 - 13.06.2010
33 edition of the Green Week of Gallicia will take place between 10 and on June 13, 2010 in the facilities of Feira of Gallicia, Silleda.

Fair Salimat 2010 Silleda Pontevedra: Lounge feeding of the Atlantic Ocean Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 10.06.2010 - 13.06.2010
The 14th edition of the Fair Salimat 2010 lounge dedicated to the sector of the feeding and the gastronomy, will be celebrated in the enclosure of Feira Internacional of Gallicia Silleda, Pontevedra, on the 10th to June 13, 2010.

Galiforest 2010 Gallicia:Feria forest of Gallicia
Silleda, Spain. 24.06.2010 - 26.06.2010
Galiforest 2010 forest Fair of Gallicia will have biennial character and will be celebrated between 24 and on June 26, 2010 You Take a break in Vilagarcía de Arousa
ACUI 2010 Trades international aquaculture of Gallicia
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 02.03.2010 - 04.03.2010

VINTECH 2010 Lounge of the Wine, Skills and Equipment Villargacía Arosa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 26.04.2010 - 28.04.2010
Vintech 2010 Villagarcía de Arosa, the Lounge of the Wine, Skills and Equipment of Gallicia (Spain), a lounge that is born to encourage the channels of Commercialization of Products Linked to the industry of the wine, and that favors the implantation of new technologies and the meeting between industrialists of the sector of Proceeding from the whole world.

Festival of the North 2010 Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 30.04.2010 - 01.05.2010
The festival of the North, it has turned into a meeting point for thousands of young people, journalists and artists proceeding from all the points of Spain, Europe and even of other continents and this year will take place in Fexdega from April 30 until May 1
Multisectorial fair Fexdega 2010 Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 09.10.2010 - 17.10.2010
New edition, the number 41 of the multisectorial fair Fexdega from October 9 until October 17, 2010

Galinfancia 2010 Vilagaría de Arousa
Vilagarcía of Arousa, Spain. 18.12.2010 - 31.12.2010
Galinfancia, is a fair of infantile and juvenile free time that offers novel attractions in every edition so that the lads have a healthy free time alternative during the empty thing that the classrooms leave in the Christmas holidays. This year will be from December 18 until December 31

The Pope in Gallicia on November 6, 2010

The Pope will visit Gallicia in November, 2010
For lack of assertion of more events the Xacobeo 2010 has obtained a fame "signing" for the cause and the fact is that it has been confirmed that the Pope will visit Gallicia on November 6, 2010 in addition to Barcelona on the following day.
The Pope will begin his trip next November 6 in Santiago owing to the Holy Year Xacobeo 2010, to come to Barcelona on November 7. The trip to the Catalan capital will center on the consecration of the Sacred Family while the trip to Santiago will center on the celebrations of the year Xacobeo.
The Pope Benedicto XVI will visit Santiago de Compostela as it transmitted the archbishop of Santiago, monsignor Julián Barrio. It is a question of the second trip of Benedicto XVI to Spain, after the visit that it realized in 2006 to Valencia owing to the World Meeting of the Families (EMF), and it will join the one for that it reckons to realize in 2011 Madrid owing to the World Day of the Youth (JMJ).

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Recovery of the islet of Insuiña, Put Sampaio

The Department of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment invests in the acquisition, recovery and environmental conditioning of the islet of A Insuíña in Put Sampaio, Pontevedra. Secretary general of the Sea, Juan Carlos Martín Fragueiro accompanied by the delegate of the Government in Gallicia, Anthony Louro, has inaugurated today the performances that the Headquarter of Sostenibilidad of the Coast and the Sea has been carried out by it in the islet of A Insuíña, placed in Put Sampaio, municipal term of Pontevedra. The entire amount of the acquisition and the performances of recovery and environmental conditioning carried out in the area amount to 748.158 euros. The surface of the farm is 3.082 square meters. The Direction of Sostenibilidad of the Coast and the Sea, it prepared a project consisting of the conditioning and restoration of the islet and to facilitate the access and the transit for the same one by means of the creation of a footpath perimetral and the fitting out of interior paths where diverse rest areas have got ready with his urban movable correspondent, banks sources, paleras, etc. In this project, diverse existing singular elements have recovered in the farm such like a lookout, the bridge of access to the islet, a dovecote and a barn, which aspect is highlighted by lighting elements. The budget of the performance of progress has been 564.050 euros. By means of the acquisition of this farm, to the value of 184.000 euros, the targets of the MARM have been reinforced in Coasts observance of the law: on the one hand, to brake the deterioration of the coastal stripe owed diverse actions antrópicas in the areas paisajísticamente more beautiful; and for other arranges the coast, especially in those areas that suffer a major town-planning pressure, assuring the protection of the marine - Terrestrial Public domain.

Video Avenue of Pontevedra

A walk along the Avenue of Pontevedra

The Avenue is the authentic green lung of the city and occupying the ancient garden of the Saint's convent On Sundays, in his environment we can see out-standing buildings of the XIXth century, sedate at present of numerous official organisms.

The Avenue takes officially the name of the architect Sesmeros. In the principal end we can see the source and monument devoted to the heroes of Pontesampaio placed in the first centenary of the battle against the French.

From here on the Hunter's Avenue begins Rivers, where there meets the Town hall, the Consellería of Education and the Country house of the Delegation his gardens of San Vicenti. It is the principal head office of the Biennial ones of Art.

The Hunter's Big Route Ríos is a cobbled boulevard, of modern reform, which begins with the already mentioned ruins of San Domingo, convent of the XIVth century of the one that only the Gothic head preserves with five chapels absidiales and a wall with rose window. It lodges some archaeological remains.

The alamada of Pontevedra is and it will be one of the principal places of meeting and walk of the pontevedreses and appointment of forced visit for which they visit this city also logically of going for a walk for the historical helmet of Pontevedra.

The most visited museums of Gallicia

Information of the most visited museums of Gallicia - Information of 2009 The provincial Museum of Pontevedra appears as the most visited center of art of Gallicia. Secondly the Cathedral Museum of Santiago is that we suppose that it will fill the first vacancy in the clear year 2010 there is for the year Xacobeo that will take to the capital of Gallicia a big number of tourists. The difference is much wider with the rest of centers of art of Gallicia, since Pobo Galego of Santiago continues the Contemporary Art museum of Vigo (Frame), the Center of Contemporary art of Santiago and the Museum do.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

You offer State-run hotels Xacobeo Gallicia 2010

Offer of State-run hotels in year Xacobeo 2010
The State-run hotels network has prepared a special offer on the occasion of the year Xacobeo to stay at the State-run hotels of Gallicia.
Paradores proposes to you several routes, of 3 or 7 nights, with an end of common way: the emblematic State-run hotel of Santiago, the most ancient considered hotel of the world. According to the days of our holidays we will choose the short offer of 3 nights or to spend a finished week in Gallicia.
In 2010 it will be commemorated the second Holy Year of the XXIst century. The Year to Retire Of Santiago de Compostela is celebrated from the Middle Age, when the festivity of Apostle Santiago Major, on July 25, coincides in Sunday. This usually happens every 6, 5, 6 and 11 years. Three last ones of the cycle were a 1993, 1999 and 2004 and the following ones will be in 2010 and 2021. The religious celebration begins in the evening of every December 31 of the previous year, and the same day of one year ends later.
Paradores offers you the possibility of joining this celebration enjoying three routes, in that to discover the magic of the way, his cultural rooting, the traditions, the art and the gastronomy that wait for the good walker.
These are the offers:
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO TRAVELED PORTUGUESE> 3 nights. State-run hotels of Baiona, Pontevedra and State-run hotel of Santiago de Compostela
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO I> 7 nights. State-run hotels of León, Monforte de Lemos, Pontevedra, Cambados and Santiago de Compostela.
ROUTE OF SANTIAGO II> 7 nights. State-run hotels of León, Monforte de Lemos, Vilalba, Ferrol, Santiago de Compostela
If you puncture in each of the offers you will have the finished information of every route and of the accommodations that it includes. Since you can see the last accommodation it is impressive in the State-run hotel of Santiago de Compostela and the prices in global are enough good.

Programming to Sound Gallicia 2010

Provisional programming of the Asdic Gallicia 2010 the participants know in the Asdic Gallicia 2010 that will take place from June 17 until June 19, 2010 in A Coruna on the occasion of the Xacobeo 2010. I copy you the provisional programming:
On Thursday, the 17th of June
LCD Soundsystem (DFA/US) Uffie (Ed Banger/US) John Talabot (Hivern/ES) David M (BreakThatBeat/ES) Grobas (981 Sessions/ES)
SonarMàtica Gallicia presents Sonoscopio / Horacio González (BE) Augmented Sound / Berio Molina (BE)
On Friday, the 18th of June
Laurent Garnier (PIAS/FR) Matthew Herbert's One Club (Accidental/UK) Broadcast (Warp/UK) Fuck Buttons (ATP Recordings/UK) The Slew featuring Kid Koala (Puget Sound Recordings/US) DJ Ino (House Café Music/ES) Fat Fish (Artec/ES)
SonarMàtica Gallicia presents Sonoscopio / Horacio González (BE) Augmented Sound / Berio Molina (BE)
SonarCinema “Amplified Gesture“ (UK) “Synth Bristol” (UK)
On Saturday, the 19th of June
Air (Virgin/FR) Hot Chip (Parlophone/UK) Flying Lotus (Warp/US) 2manydjs (BE) Booka Shade (Get Physical/DE) Carte Blanche (Dj Mehdi and Riton) (Ed Banger/FR-UK) Delorean (Mushroom Pillow/ES) 6pm (Mediosordo/ES) Fluzo (BE) Octa Push (Iberian Records/PT) BFlecha vs. Mwëslee (Arkestra/ES) Viktor Flores (Sinsal/ES) Cora Novoa (Nature Sonoris/ES)
SonarMàtica Gallicia presents Sonoscopio / Horacio González (BE) Augmented Sound / Berio Molina (BE)
SonarCinema “Amplified Gesture“ (UK) “Synth Bristol” (UK) Sónar Gallicia will be provided with a Sónar of Day, with musical programming and with a multimedia and audio-visual area in which the Galician artists will have special leading role.
The image of Sónar 2010 links to Gallicia and it will take form of full-lenght film, it presents itself as a trip up to the end of the world across the Milky Way.
The movie titles FINISTERRE and it will be structured in six chapters and an epilogue. It is a question of a trip of introspection of two bogeys that, in Sónar 2009, they decided to make the Milky Way up to the end of the world for, to begin there once a new earthly and ephemeral stage.

Rural house in Castro Caldelas

House of rural Accommodation in Castro Caldelas - Marries Top of Vila
In the rural environment of Ribeira Sacra in the Ourense province and on the halfway of Trives and Ourense there places the house Top of Vila that offers us five rooms with bath, four doubles (one with supplementary) and the individual one. A social lounge completes his offer with wide gallery, in which we can enjoy the pleasure of a good book to the heat of an agreeable chimney, since it possesses a varied selection in his library.
Top gives Vila there is a house located in the highest part of the people of Castro Caldelas in full quarter of marked a medieval character, between the Castle of Castro Caldelas and the Church of Santa Elizabeth, in a rural frame of big architectural and landscape beauty. It is a rural house that dates of the year 1910 and that was renewed in 1999 to open it to the public in 2000 like shared accommodation. An accommodation is with delight of category 1 a golden star.
Information of contact, prices and reservations in:
TOP IS GIVEN by Bought VILARúa do, 5 - Castro Caldelas - Ourense
Phone: 610824780Email:
That to do in the area:
1. - To Visit the castle of Castro Caldelas.
2. - Holiday of Fachos de Castro Caldelas. On January 19, eve of San Sebastian, and to the fall of the sun, in this town FACHOS is celebrated YOU.
3. - The management holidays of the town that are celebrated on September 8 are provided with a personage who is undoubtedly the most typical of the folklore of Castro Caldelas, or IRRIO.
4. - And since we cannot use the accommodation as a starting point to know A Ribeira Sacra. If you are interested in visit to be seen in A Ribeira Sacra

Earnings to Sound Gallicia 2010

Earnings to Sound Gallicia 2010
Prices and types of earnings for the Asdic Gallicia 2010
I pay 3 days: 50€ EXPOCoruña (A Coruna)
The most practical and comfortable way of enjoying Sónar A Coruna on having had accessed 3 days of the event from 17 on June 19
Valid to gain access to all the activities of the festival during 3 days.
Brought in On Thursday, the 17th: 15€ EXPOCoruña (A Coruna)
Of 18 to 1h
Valid for all the Sónar activities programmed for the 17th.
On Friday, the 18th: 20€ EXPOCoruña (A Coruna)
Of 18 to 5h
Valid for all the Sónar activities programmed for the 18th.
Brought in On Saturday, the 19th: 25€ EXPOCoruña (A Coruna)
Of 18 to 5h
Valid for all the Sónar activities programmed for the 19th.
Route can be bought El Corte Ingles, route Ticketmaster or route Caixa Gallicia.

Friday, March 12, 2010

State-run hotel of Pontevedra

State-run hotel of Pontevedra
It belongs to the network of state-run hotels of Gallicia and it is placed in cardinal Pontevedra being one of 11 state-run hotels that are in Gallicia.
The state-run hotel occupies a palace that was an ancient residence of the Counts of Maceda.
It has a big advantage and the fact is that one of the nicest is placed in full historical helmet of the city of Pontevedra and better preserved of the whole Spain and that already of for himself attraction is sufficient to know Pontevedra and combines royal, noble and stately lines with innumerable references of rural daydream in an environment that he invites to cover infinity of coves and beaches.
Distinguished, stately and illustrious sound three epithets that define an interior where there abound the distinguished details, the antiquities and the furniture of royal character, and it is provided also with relaxing conference on the garden. He emphasizes the staircase of carved stone that you can see in one of the lower photos that gains access to a few very cozy rooms and that accentuates the proper dominion and the nobility of the State-run hotel.
Information of contact, prices, reservations:
Direction: C / Baron, 19
Population: 36002 Pontevedra, Pontevedra
Phone: 00 34 986855800
Fax: 00 34 986852195
E-mail: Web:
The whole of 91 squares is distributed between Rooms with lounge: 2
Double rooms: 31
Double rooms (double bed): 11
Single rooms: 3
It is provided also with a magnificent restaurant. If you are interested in: Information to see Tourism in Pontevedra