Thursday, March 25, 2010

You marry rectorales in Gallicia

The best Houses Rectorales of Gallicia
You marry rectorales of Gallicia to realize rural tourism in Gallicia.
In Gallicia we are lucky to count with a wide houses relation rectorales where to stay and not only to sleep but they count the majority with restaurants that are a real pleasure for the senses.
The rectorales are the ancient houses of the priest and therefore tied to the ecclesiastic power that in Gallicia was always a very important power. In Gallicia there are no humble residences attached to the church since there are real palaces, large houses of mellow ancestry and thick walls of granite where from the rural clergy was managing the divine matters and areas of this finis terrae. Because Gallicia, the most atavistic and rural Gallicia, would not be understood without the church and without the power that had in due time the figure of the priest.
Many of the rectorales are in deshuso or falls, but others have been restored for the rural tourism.
Next I relate some of those that I consider to be better so much for his situation, services, personal dealing, meal and visits in the surroundings.
Many are still missing, so little by little I promise to be including more so that you could choose. In any of them if you puncture in the linkage you will be able to have more information of each of them.
1.-Rectoral of Ansemil rural tourism in Celanova, Terras de Celanova, Ourense
2. - Rectoral de Castillón, Pantón, Lugo
3. - Rectoral de Candás Rairiz de Veiga, Ourense
4. - Rectoral of Movies, Oza two Rivers, Betanzos, A Coruna
5. - Rectoral of Areas Tui-Baixo Miño, Pontevedra
6.-Rectoral of Goián in Sarria, Lugo

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Visits guided in A Coruna, entire success

Three programs of holding a permit visits started by Tourism of A Coruna are a big success of public and visitors.
In the past exercise they took part in the night tour for the Old City, as well as the trip for the Tower of Hércules and the Route Picaso-Modernista a whole of 2.105 persons, opposite to the 1.130 that took refuge in this offer of Tourism of A Coruna in the previous year.
The programs of tourist visits, which from the year 2009 are of free character and are provided with the collaboration of the Delegation of A Coruna, are turning into an important claim at the time of visitors receive the city, what not only remains demonstrated by the number of participants, but also by the multiple earnings in the web of Tourism and calls to the office to request information about these visits.
Before the success obtained in the last calls, the first vice-mayor and responsible for the area for Tourism, Henrique Tello, announced that the program will be recaptured in March and also it goes to prepare a leaflet with all the information of interest about the program of holding a permit visits that will be distributed in the hotels and restaurants of the city, with the collaboration of the Association of Accommodation (Hospeco).
With regard to the numbers of visitors, the form with major success for his originality and delight was the night tour for the Old City, in which a whole of 1.248 persons took part. Secondly there is located the tower of Hércules, which increased very much the visits record thanks to his declaration like Patrimony of the Humanity, happening from the 182 in 2008 to the 652 last year. Finally the visits are located to the route Picasso and modernist route, which also it increased from 85 to 205 participants in 2009.
For origin of the visitors, the tourists of the rest of the State were the most numerous, obtaining the number of 1.418. Between they emphasize those of Madrid, with nearly 550 visits, followed from Barcelona, Valladolid, Asturias, Bilbao and Toledo. With regard to the foreign visitors, Europe heads the list, with 106 participants headed by the Britons, Portugueses and French. In what he respects to the rest of the origins, there were 94 the proceeding ones from American countries and the number of Australian visitors stands out, that it promoted 14 persons.
In the relative one to the type of accommodation in which the participants were staying at these programs, the most numerous correspond to hotels of four stars, with a whole of 490 persons, followed by those of three and two stars.
To see information in: Tourism Coruña and in Which to see in A Coruna

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Seafront of Noia

Seafront of Noia
In the beautiful Noia town we have the occasion to enjoy a beautiful seafront an area gained the sea and that has turned into the center of free time of the noieses. An open space along with laughs, to enjoy. Better with high tide.
A criticism of the walk there are the unesthetic lines of power line that can turn, but if we forget of this the walk it has turned into a place for the enjoyment of the city of Noia
I leave photos to you.

Group Gallicia Gourmand cooks with delight in Gallicia

The Group Gallicia Gourmand “Kitchens with Delight” presented in the Gastronomic Forum 2010 of Santiago de Compostela to himself.
This group is constituted by 14 establishments:
– Inn of Sano Lázaro, Santiago de Compostela; The House of the Martínez, Electoral roll; Inn Afonso - Ferrol; – House You Hang – Narón; – The Bodeguilla of the Orchard – Oleiros; – Country house of Mendoza – Baiona; – House Moncho – Vigo; – Restaurant Gaioso – A Coruna; – Restaurant Castelo – Pobra del Caramiñal; – Detapaencepa – Vigo; – Wool marries of 5 Doors – Pontevedra; – Reitoral de Ansemil – Celanova; - To Stop you give Bestas – Spades of Rei; Spit Or Country house – Electoral roll.
From the same day of the presentation, the event will be started called “Routes of the Kitchens with Delight” in the one that rewards the clients who gather a primer where they will represent the stamps of all the restaurants.
If a client realizes a meal in all the establishments of the Group Gourmand Cocinas with Delight, it will be rewarded with a meal / dinner for two persons in one of the associate places that it chooses.
This association was constituted in the year 2009 and was born how stamp of identity of fourteen Galician establishments that propose a culinary offer based on the continuous reference to the proper products of Gallicia as quality guarantee.
The kitchens of the Group Gallicia Gourmand are characterized by the fidelity to the creation of new flavors that are born of the traditional products and of the vanguardismo and the imagination that they give like turned out a different kitchen, retailer and personalized.
Also the kitchens of these establishment you are managed by some of the best cooks of the whole Gallicia. Streaming 24 S08E12 Day 8: 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM now

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sports port of Sada

Sports port of Sada
The sports Sada port provides to the fan of the seamanship a whole of 900 moorings, provided with water and electricity for crafts of up to 20 meters of length and 3 meters of openwork and placed inside a wide service area and maintenance, repair and supplying of fuel.
He has a few general services of water, light, seamanship, alertness 24 hours, captaincy, showers and toilets.
In the same way, it is provided with fuel supply with pantalán of docking, service of travel-lift for crafts of up to 30 tons and area of marina dry and streamlined to carry maintenance out, invernaje and repairs.
All kinds of services is very close to the port: doctors, drugstores, banks, school of sail, hotels, taxis, post office, naval effects, supermarkets, shops, etc. Download Law & Order S20E16 Innocence free

Rural hotel in the Lower Estuaries

Rural hotel in the Lower Estuaries
Rural hotel Eirado do Pine - Laugh Baixas

We are in the Rías Baixas in the heart of the Salnés province of Pontevedra close to the principal tourist places like Santiago de Compostela to half an hour of car, as well as Vigo, Pontevedra to 15 minutes and to only 7 minutes Sanxenxo, Or Grove, Portonovo, Cambados, Isla de Arosa, Combarro...
Information of contact and location: DIRECTION: C. / Quintáns, nº 8 - Simes - Meaño - PontevedraE-MAIL: PHONES: I fix: 986 747 893 mobile: 639 703 573
CAPACITY: 5 habitacionesPLAZAS: 10SUPLETORIAS: 2CUNAS: available free.
ACTIVITIES: inside the hotel games of table, field of babimtón, minifield of fúbol, petanque, bikes.
ACTIVITIES OUT OF THE HOTEL: go-carts, scuart, routes on horseback, routes of the mills, routes of the stone and the water, visits to museums, to monuments, to lookouts, to wine vaults, trips in gastronomic ship, sail, catamaran, holiday, trips to islands cies and ons...
Eirado do Pine inaugurates his facilities in 2007, our target is to give a good service and a rest assured to the clients, being disconnected this way of the daily stress. Our detached house was restored concerning the Galician architecture combining the stone with the wood, since we preserve the barn where there keep the food sustenance, like potatoes, onions, corn for the animalcules... as well as a wine vault artisan, a giant barbecue with stone stove for the typical bread of Gallicia.
Eirado do Pine is located in a farm called Cidreiras of 14.000 m2 any of her with trees, corral of animalcules, vineyards, areas landscaped with games of exterior...
The hotel composes of five rooms all of them with bath, calefación, tv., with different decoration and very cozy.
In our Social Lounge we have table games, tv., chimney, reading for children and adults.
In the dining room they will be able to taste the most exquisite plates so much in seafood, fish and meats.
The desserts are home-made and the wine with denomination of well-known origin like albariño.
The hotel surrounds itself for a veranda with an open part and other one closed where they can take a few good glasses.
The proprietors of Eirado do Pine will attend to them in everything what they need as well as to facilitate to them the places to be visited of more interest, the dealing of the same ones is very nearby and a relative, making them feel as in its own house so it is an accommodation much but that much recommended.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It came albariño without alcohol

It came albariño without alcohol: what does the idea look like to you?
The wine vault Mar de Frades, who at present prepares two types of albariños Denomination of Origin Laugh Baixas, it has established contacts with the innovative Galician company Raisin Dor SL, producer of wines without alcohol.
Mar de Frades there is contact for it and it has requested the services of Raisin Dor, with the intention of desalcoholizar it came albariño and to be able to extract to the market the first mark of 100 % albariño without alcohol.
Manuel Formoso, marketing manager of the Galician signature desalcoholizadora, the project is in his initial phase and they are with the challenge of the variety albariño that, in Formoso words, "would lose a lot of force in mouth once desalcoholizado".
For his part, the biologist they are shown, Ramón Bondelle, founder of the Galician company Raisin Dor, has declared last week in the presentation of the new scale of wines without alcohol, which at present his new white wine ZeroZero, one possesses "coupage of albariño" and that the added difficulty of realizing a wine 100 % albariño without alcohol is in the costs of production that would increase too much the price of the final product on the market.
Anyway the project is in his initial phase and it might have exit on the market, remember on this matter that for example the quota of the consumption of the beer without alcohol is in increase and the almost entire prohibition of taking alcohol and of driving might increase the wine consumption without alcohol in the social celebrations.